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Post by ranman » Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:50 am

My name is Randy, I currently live in Williamsburg, Va. (61)
My father was an officer in the military, so we moved a lot when I was a kid. When I was 7 we moved to Scotland for 3 years. I went to public school and on the week-ends we would go from one castle to the next touring every one we could get in. I became fascinated with stone structures and anything built with stone.

We moved from Scotland to Washington D.C., my dad went to work at the Pentagon and I joined the Boy Scouts. When I was 12 or 13 we hiked the
C & O canal, we started in Georgetown headed west, by the time we got to the second or third lock I told myself there is no way we built this. We were being taught that they built the canal to move charcoal from the mountains to Georgetown for the restaurants. Ever since that day I have questioned everything they were teaching me. In the next couple of years I was to learn ( on my own ) that there had been canals in the city of D.C.

We moved to Williamsburg Va. when I was a senior in high school were I learned ( again, on my own ) that at some time in the past there had been a canal between the James river thru Williamsburg to the York river. You won't find this info in any his story books, but I can show you from one end to the other where it was. So now at this point I am convinced that "They" are lying about Americas past and I developed this belief that the same people that built all the canals in Europe had been here, before what we are being told.

For the last forty years I have been keeping track of all the "oddities", trying to figure out the truth. I had studied to be an Architect, wanted to build a castle, so the mud flood theory made sense to me. This lead to learning of the starforts and this realization rocked my world. Most of my life, most people thought I was a lunatic for not accepting the BS they feed us.

It has been one year this month since learning of the starforts and I have dug in and dug up a lot of new finds here in America. I have been passing them on, to be added to Mikes (13thmonkey) master list I have 38 open tabs on my computer right now, each a new starfort Mike has not gotten yet. I have over a hundred more probabilities that I am still trying to confirm.

If you have read this far, I hope you will look at my post on this forum.
I need to update it, but it will show you where I started from

Very proud to be part of this community, Randy

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Re: Hello

Post by Fenton » Sun Feb 09, 2020 9:16 pm

Hey Randy - thanks for letting us know a little bit about yourself :)

The canal system was awesome, in the truest sense of the word. It all was. All of it.

And they built it all in such a way, that should catastrophe strike, there would be plenty of resources and a healthy environment waiting for whatever came next.


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