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Howdy from Kauai

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:44 pm
by Starman
Thanks Colm and Fenton for putting this together. One of you guys should be Starman, not me, but its the first whimsical name that jumped out of my head when asked for a handle. I am Planet Amnesia on Youtube and have a web site by that name. My name is Andrew Fitts, age 65. I have been following the Velikovsky/Electric Universe/Thunderbolts paradigm for some years now, having given a presentation on Vel's "Cultural Amnesia" at EU2017 in Phoenix. Lately I am enamored with the Tartary story, mud flood, greco-roman buildings as electricity gathers and so on. You know the rest of it - that rabbit hole is almost as deep as the previous one I was hooked on. Now I'm sort of moving on, and even enjoying exploring the notion of a flat earth.

I live on Kauai where we actually have a star fort in Waimea, built by the Russians of all people. They were only here for a few years trying to establish a beachhead, before getting kicked out or lost their supply chain and vamoosed. It's on a very dry, level, rocky area well above the river. A fairly uninspired place. It's kind of a promontory at the river mouth by the ocean, a good lookout place.

I do believe there is much to learn from starforts: Why they are so ubiquitous and why they were established. Surely they served some important universal needs, and not just defensive. Like the idea of Greco-Roman architecture as electricity harvesters from the aether, surely the starforts performed multiple benefits, combining beauty and function. I'm sure they offered healthy lifestyles in a myriad of ways, and perhaps as some researchers think, a defensive harmonic presence that warded off ill-being that was projected by satanic forces. Heck - I'll shine a flashlight everywhere I can at the bottom of this big, beautiful rabbit hole!

Anyways, told my wife today we should go visit starforts in Europe this summer. She says "whatever" it takes.

Cheers, Starman

Re: Howdy from Kauai

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 8:42 pm
by Fishbone Dude
Hi Andrew aka your story and your rabbit hole analogy
Your wife sounds like a wonderful woman

Re: Howdy from Arches, Utah

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 10:50 pm
by Starman
Starman and Prairie at Arches National Park, Utah
DSC06708.jpg (1.09 MiB) Viewed 9220 times

Re: Howdy from Kauai

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 1:24 am
by Fenton
Hey Andrew -you're right - this is quite a rabbit hole.

Looking forward to exploring it with you.

PS - probably wasn't built by the Russians ;)

PPS - I have subscribed to Velikovsky, Dave Talbott and Walt Thornhill''s theories myself for many years - but this starforts phenomenon has turned a lot of that upside down for me. I'm looking forward (at a later date) to possibly integrating some of their core ideas into this as it unfolds...