A Theory

Your thoughts or theory about the starfort phenomenon. Possible links to myths and legends etc. What happened to the Star Civ? What impact this could have on the world? All ideas welcome.
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Re: A Theory

Post by Fenton » Thu Oct 24, 2024 11:55 pm

We approach a critical mass moment in history, always inevitable when the species is divided into two - the abusers and the abused.

It has always been this way, since The StarCiv ended.

However, this is the first time in history that this critical mass is about to be breached by opposing powers that have the weapons to destroy the world. My, isn't technology just wonderful.

Speaking of wonder, I wonder how it will all work out?

I believe in re-incarnation. But in a dissimilar way to any other speculation that I have heard. I'll explain it, one day. Possibly.

Actually, I can precis it, here and now - belief. That's all it takes, believe it or not.

I've spent the last few days sorting through my StarCiv map collection. There are some cracking maps there.
I have a large set of maps of France that were produced by Cezar Francoise Cassini over a period of 75 years, between 1750-1815.
There were at least 770 significant stars still present in France during those dates, because that is how many appear on this set of maps - and I have catalogued them all. Took bloody ages. I probably missed some stars, too.

A couple are shown below.

Le Crotoy  St Valery.jpg
Le Crotoy St Valery.jpg (2.88 MiB) Viewed 2777 times

I'm sure I read somewhere that there is, in Nature, a parasite that works it's way into some unfortunate creatures brain (lemmings, maybe), then compels that creature to jump into the sea, where the parasite hatchlings have the best chance of survival. Sounds a bit dodgy to me, because there aren't any lemmings at sea (apart from those drowning) for the hatchlings to attach themselves to.
Or maybe lemmings are born at sea. Are there pirate lemmings? Or maybe I imagined the whole thing. I don't know.
Anyway, you get the idea.

Ah, the irony. The Seer who feared being seen. But, of course.

It's all the ramblings of a lunatic, anyway.

Til next time, fellow wanderers/wonderers.

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Re: A Theory

Post by Fenton » Mon Oct 28, 2024 12:13 am

It was their state of mind that was so different from us.

We have invented a past that locks us into who we have become. And we will continue to move towards this future, based not on truth.

There are 'ancient' myths of a time before us - a time of the gods.
When gods walked the Earth. These gods lived in a paradise. They had everything they could ever want, or need.

It sounds eerily familiar, to me.

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Re: A Theory

Post by Fenton » Mon Oct 28, 2024 1:26 am

It's a conundrum, seemingly without a solution. Perhaps it really doesn't have a solution.
But that won't stop me thinking about it. I take it as a personal challenge.

It's all or nothing. How does one go about convincing every single human mind in existence that truth has merit?
When the majority of minds run from truth as fast as they can, packaging it in a box and hiding it somewhere very complicated and tedious to find again. And then mentally putting a big DANGER sign on the box, in case they happen to stumble upon it at a later date.

Is it our fate to know the truth, or live a lie?

Either is valid. A paradox.

I find the best way to imagine infinity is not to think about what is, but paradoxically, what isn't.
i.e. as an example - is an apple a boat? Is an apple a cow? Is an apple a spoon? etc, etc.
Once you can see the scope of what an apple isn't, you can then move onto asking, for example, is a cat a dog? Is a cat a coffee machine? Is a cat a bicycle? Repeat as neccesary. Suddenly, infinity can become a lot larger.

Oh, look - some irony. Our capacity for alternatives is shrinking, technology is taking over our lives - yet here I am, talking to you via the medium that has enslaved a part of us all. Paradoxical irony.

I have no idea if any of this makes sense to you, fellow traveller.
I have come to understand exactly what madness is.
And do you know what? - it is awesome, here.
Scary and wonderful. Lonely yet encompassing. Calm but agitated.
Across the entire gamut.


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Re: A Theory

Post by Fenton » Tue Nov 26, 2024 10:43 pm

I'll tell you why I think we are here. You know, us humans.

To Experience. To see, hear, smell, taste and touch.

To experience these things, whilst they interact with our emotions.

Et Voila, solved.

But If this is true, there are even bigger questions to answer. Including, but not limited to -

For what purpose are we here to experience these things?

I'm still working on that part. I'm pretty sure no one has conceived of the truth, yet.

My reality is surely becoming weird. They say ignorance is bliss, but I'd rather be clued up with regards to what this all is. This reality.
So that next time, I will have learned something useful this time.

The Stars are always on my mind.

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Re: A Theory

Post by Fenton » Sat Nov 30, 2024 12:49 am

I am going to talk about me for a bit, so you might want to think about immediately going off to another web site and then coming back here in a week or two, to see if I've posted a newer post which is a little less self indulgent.

The eternal battle between Angels and Demons. It really does boil down to that. A battle that neither side can win, because both of the opposing sides perfectly balance each other in the long run.
But always, for a period of time, one or the other will have a slight upper hand.

When I began this bout of insanity back in 2019, I had no idea where it would lead. Mind you, I was already quite a bit insane prior to 2019.

And here is what I have found so far, by looking at our problems through the lens of The StarCiv -
that the only way to tip the balance of power between Angels and Demons is for one side to convince the other that their path forward is easier for everyone.
To utterly convince them that the concepts, ideas and way of thinking that your side offers are sincere.
And to convincingly ensure that your opponent falls in love with the wisdom of your words.

To say that the task above is a 'big' task is an understatement. Because both sides have opposing views on what is right and what is wrong.

At this scale - the scale of good versus bad -the only way to tip the scales in your direction is to convince everyone on their side that your ideals are better for all of us. Everyone, I mean everyone.

I have slipped into a dream from which I cannot awaken.

So, where do we go from here?

I don't know if it's my place to meddle with any of this.

Yet here I am, meddling.

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