A Theory

Your thoughts or theory about the starfort phenomenon. Possible links to myths and legends etc. What happened to the Star Civ? What impact this could have on the world? All ideas welcome.
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Re: A Theory

Post by Realm Sensor » Wed May 25, 2022 12:38 am

An almost endless supply of raw materials to build the star structures. I would imagine a canal soon followed downstream for transportation. What was the purpose of such a perfectly aligned grid system in places like Iowa?

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Re: A Theory

Post by Fenton » Thu May 26, 2022 9:10 am

All of the land flattening and sculpting was a work in progress. It will have taken millenia to achieve that which they already had, but it was an ongoing process - a process that was interrupted by The Event. The scale of the works undertaken is beyond belief - literally. I really should make some videos about it, but my faith in (our iteration of) humanity has been deeply wounded by witnessing, with my own eyes, where we are headed. It seems a hopeless task, now. The truth is simply too much for our species to cope with, ergo we must face the fate that awaits us.

This thread is really for the few people that can see The Stars for what they are - to give some comfort in what we once were. We are the descendents of a completely different type of human being - and it is from these ancestors that we retain our capacity to love, to see beauty and to co-operate with each other. Money, wars and 'self' are the constructs of a human species scarred by events beyond its control, that lives an untruth every moment that it exists.
What was the purpose of such a perfectly aligned grid system in places like Iowa?
The short answer is - I don't know, yet. Each of the StarCiv cultures had their own diverse ways of interpreting Field System layouts - in fact, it happens that the field system, in a particular area, is directly responsible for the shape of Star cities and other structures peculiar to each region. But that's another, even more incredible story.

Have you seen the thousands of square miles of landart created by The StarCiv at co-ords 42.174779°, -90.497773°? It is quickly being eroded/destroyed by the passage of time and modern farming techniques - I would recommend taking a look using Google Earth and go back to 10/2006 using the historical image option. There is also some stunning Tree Lightning in this area.
And check out the exquisite translucent soil at co-ords 42.386942°, -91.531689°- you can see the underlying bedrock structure through the ground soil itself. There are many examples of this around the World. Many.

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Re: A Theory

Post by Realm Sensor » Thu May 26, 2022 4:16 pm

This region is know as the "driftless" area. Mainstream geology claims glacial drift missed this particular area leaving it rugged and undulating. I no longer believe that. Nonetheless it is a unique region hosting plants and animals found nowhere else on earth.
Another key feature of the driftless is the many cave systems, some open to the public, some not. Fillmore County Minnesota is known for its karst topography (Numerous sink holes scattered all over the field system of that area) I live near this region and have driven through many times, but the beauty seems to be designed to be appreciated from above. So far I haven't located any stars in this area or the nearby Mississippi river. Blessings

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Re: A Theory

Post by Fenton » Sun Jun 12, 2022 1:19 am

Ultimately, the question is this -

What difference will it make, if we are able to admit to ourselves who we were?

It will have a profound effect, either way.

A large number of our species have become so afraid of truth, that we literally do whatever it takes to ensure that we cannot see it.
We have become a species capable of incredible mental tricks. Not least the ability to unsee anything that we find too uncomfortable.
This ability has not served us particularly well. At all. It has allowed us to develop a most unpleasant range of mindsets, without conscience.

So, where do we go from here?

The Pen is mightier than The Sword, or so the saying goes. I have yet to see it demonstrated as true.
Perhaps it's just been waiting for the right moment to come along.

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Re: A Theory

Post by Fenton » Mon Jun 13, 2022 10:52 am

We crossed the rubicon the moment we began to rebuild civilisation in the image of self, denying our past.
There are two mechanisms of mind in play, two sides of the same coin, that I can see.

The first - The Emperors New Clothes mechanism, allows the human mind to see that which it wants to see.

The second - the if thine eye offends thee, pluck it out mechanism, allows the human mind to not see that which it does not wish to see.

These mechanisms-of-mind have arisen from the deep-rooted denial of our past - of who we are and where we came from. A self-imposed, silent, invisible and self-perpetuating mechanism that is leading us on a inexorable path toward increased insanity, compacted and made real by denial. There is a natural order of balance in this reality - and we have strayed far from the pivotal axis. For each and every aspect of this reality, there is an equal and counterbalancing opposite - and the more we internally suppress the truth, the greater the external expression of the opposite becomes.

Is it possible to make a case that a particular group of people are responsible for assisting the integration of this mind-set into humanity? Yes, it is. But in all honesty, identifying and isolating them will solve nothing. They are driven by the same mechanisms that drive us all, albeit a more extreme form. The only thing - and I mean the only thing - that is going to change this world is changing minds.

Every mind.

It's a tall order.

Attention span has diminished to moments. Self is King. Escape from reality takes a million forms.

What kind of world do you want to live in? To feel a part of? To leave to our descendents?

A singular, unifying truth is required. A truth that is undeniable, across the spectrum from spiritual to physical. A mind-changer.

Something to believe in.

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Re: A Theory

Post by Fenton » Tue Nov 22, 2022 12:37 am

Our civilisation has built a society - into and around, us - that needs to be constantly made more complex, whilst relying on each part of an already shaky machinery to work smoothly to support the next level of complexity that has to come next. It's as though we are hopping from treadmill to treadmill, the next treadmill running successively faster than the previous one. We are running at breakneck speed now.

I'd say we are approaching breaking point.

We cannot be like them - The StarCiv - because we have come too far down our own path. But we can learn from them.

Even if it is just a single concept - that we must treat our home with care.

It's a good place to start. We can take it from there.

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Re: A Theory

Post by Fenton » Fri Dec 02, 2022 11:33 am

It's been nearly four years now, since I first saw The Stars. It has literally been another lifetime.

I always had the feeling that there was something wrong with the reality into which I was born. Before 2019, I had spent many years researching WW2, trying to understand what had really happened during that time. Then, in 2007, I saw the systemic financial crash of 2008 coming. I spent years studying the financial system up to that point. Everything was screaming that there was something very wrong with our reality - and the way that we, as human beings, choose to live within it.
After a life-changing event in 2009, I began to understand the truth about our reality and conceived of 3-State - the true nature of reality.

I realise now, that I was being trained by some external force to see what was coming my way - The StarCiv.

We are about to enter a period of human evolution which will be referred to as The Realisation.
We will come to understand who we are, our past and what we need to do for our future.

The first step - who we are - is perhaps the most important.
Who we are is so radically different to that which we currently accept as the norm, that the next steps will automatically fall into place - once The Realisation has begun.

Should I begin?

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Re: A Theory

Post by Fenton » Wed Jan 18, 2023 8:41 pm

Tomorrow marks four years since I opened up googleearth and saw the StarCiv for the first time.

I can now confidently say that we are not the people that we think we are. Our mainstream historical timeline is wildly inaccurate, as is our understanding of who we are and how we came to be. We currently live inside a delusion, wrapped tightly inside a lie which is so gigantic, that to see it for what it is, would change everything.

Showing to the world that which I have seen has been playing heavily on my conscience, recently.
I go to sleep thinking about it and wake with it on my mind.

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Re: A Theory

Post by Fenton » Mon Feb 27, 2023 4:04 pm

We live in the strangest of times.

A time where the truth is indistinguishable from lie. And lie from truth.
A time where it no longer matters whether that which we believe is truth, or a lie.
All that matters is continuation of relative normality, regardless of what that reality is.

This is the great secret that has befallen us - we crave normality, security and comfort at any cost. We are approaching the pinnacle of opposite. The pinnacle of opposite to that which came before us - The StarCiv.

Let me tell you about them. So that you might carry them with you, to know who they were - and what we once were.

They were the equal and counter-balancing opposite of us.

Everything they did, they did for their children and for the future.

They never knew war, hunger or dissatisfaction. They knew only wonder, love and reverence. They awoke every dawn to the knowledge that today was going to be a good day. Into a staggeringly beautiful existence. That everything had it's place and that everything worked perfectly. That they were part of a whole - the whole of humanity. The farmer laid down at night, safe in the knowledge that his grains would feed one hundred families - and he wept with pride at what he had achieved. They were tears of joy. The miller received the grain from the farmer and laid down at night and wept, with a heart full of love and pride that he too, would keep one hundred alive with his efforts. The baker too, laid his head down at night and wept. And so it went, up and down the chain - all filled with the wonder at what they had achieved. The builders of the magnificent structures - the Star towns and cities, the satellites, the auxilliaries, all built to provide safety and convenience for everyone - laid their heads to rest in the warm haze of tremendous achievement. The canal builders linked everything together with waterways that still serve us today. The flat-land builders removed mountains - only possible because of the infrastructure that backed them. They produced the soil that covers the clay or chalk - and the hardcore beneath that. They built new lands of thousands of square miles. They claimed hundreds of thousands of square miles from Nature for the continuation of our species - and all other species.

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They built it for us.

It was a way of life that produced the incredible - the truly incredible - something that we cannot imagine.
It is all around us - and we cannot see it.

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Re: A Theory

Post by Fenton » Fri Mar 24, 2023 12:05 am

At first, I thought I was going mad. Because everywhere I looked, I found them. But, no one else could see them.

As I pondered how this could be, the answer was laid before me, in real time, by real events.

I watched as people - a lot of people, including friends and family - queued to be vaccinated without any regard as to the consequences. Because someone else told them to.

With a dawning realisation, I came to understand that I am mad - I see a reality unique to myself.

The mechanism of mind that allows us to not see that which is distasteful or inconvenient, is extremely powerful.
It is the same mechanism of mind that allows us to forget that which we cannot bare to remember. The grief and pain would be too great.

We are what we are, now. We have developed - in a relatively short period of time - into a species that is increasingly ill-at-ease with itself.
It was bound to happen, in light of our past. A past that has fueled the fight to conceal that same past from ourselves.
There's a sense of irony in that observation - so strong! - which balances us against The StarCiv so perfectly, that I have to believe it's divine of nature.

We are here for experience. Where we take that experience to next, I do not know.
When it's my time, I'm looking forward to finding out.

But all of this is crazy talk, from a crazy old man.

When I first saw The StarCiv, I thought that I might change the world, by telling their story. But, as time went on, it became apparent that the world doesn't want to change in the way it might, if it knew of The StarCiv. It has it's own path. Belief is orders of magnitude more powerful than knowledge - and always has been.
I finally realise that this is the conundrum that has been tailored to me, for my experience. It is the eternal conundrum of right and wrong, good and evil, yes and no and an infinite number of other opposites. It is the absolute bedrock of the binary reality in which we exist.
There is simply no simpler truth. Truth is both objective and subjective, simultaneously. There are always two truths.
Like attracts like - and repels unlike. Unlike repels unlike - and attracts like. Two sides of the same coin.

But I am pontificating, out loud. Self-indulgent.
For now, bon nuit, dear reader. There is a possibility I will delete this post, later. In that case, it will exist only in your mind.

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