The key to spreading to the most ignorant

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The key to spreading to the most ignorant

Post by stephen_bradley » Sat May 11, 2019 7:23 pm

Brothers and sisters,

The key to spreading knowledge is utilization of smoking guns--hardcore, indisputable proof with a clear thesis and evidence that clearly relates to and demonstrates the validity of the thesis. Our community is so swamped in evidence that we have been for a couple of years now struggling to distinguish smoking guns from observations that contribute the story but only for those of us who already know lots of the story.

To us, the confluence of evidence related to starforts overwhelmingly indicates the existence of a wide-spread, architecturally and agriculturally sophisticated civilization. There are a couple of holes in our lowest-hanging arguments that may deter newcomers. Let's keep in mind, for example, how folks were/are capable of dismissing the fact there are pyramids separated by oceans and thousands of years built by people with no knowledge of the prior people (allegedly...). If they can dismiss that, they can dismiss this.

Our main hurdle is that starforts, canals, and field-demarcations are practical. Thus, we cannot easily prove that the structures were built by people of the same cultural origins as builders of other structures because they may have simply both decided to build them because they were practical! Don't get me wrong: I know this is absurd. The question is simply whether we are putting our best foot forward with regard to pre-empting the common rebuttals.

May I propose that a key with starforts (and any phenomenon, for that matter) is to stick to the smoking guns. Two neighboring starforts are not a smoking gun. It is obvious that the builders of the two forts in this case were either the same people or knew about the others' existence. Two identical, obvious, non-buried starforts separated by much distance with non-Colonial backstories would constitute a smoking gun. Showing a starfort in Europe and another in a former European colony is NOT a smoking gun. Even if the mainstream doesn't yet claim that the starfort outside of Europe was built by colonists, they assert that it MUST have been built by colonists and therefore IS. Some parts of the world, if we are correct about starforts, will have starforts AND have no colonial history whatsoever. Some of these will be near former-colonies that also have starforts, and thus these areas cannot be smoking guns either. Thus, we need to find geographically isolated, colonially irrelevant, identical, pristine starforts. There should be a rather large set of these dyads, and a 2-minute video emphasizing these dyads would have the power to burst the floodgates open. It could even wake people up regarding pyramids, temples cut out of mountains, obelisks, columns/pillars, megalithic/polygonal building, etc!

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Re: The key to spreading to the most ignorant

Post by Fenton » Sat May 11, 2019 11:08 pm

Hey Stephen and welcome.
The key to spreading knowledge is utilization of smoking guns--hardcore, indisputable proof with a clear thesis and evidence that clearly relates to and demonstrates the validity of the thesis
Yes, I agree. That's what we're hoping to build here - something that when you look at it, it's obvious, no matter how difficult it is to believe. There's a voice inside us all that decides whether or not we should believe something, not only because it may be hard to believe, but also because it may affect the way we see the world from the moment that we truly believe it. I have shown some starfort bits and pieces to people I know and they haven't liked it all - it's not that they disbelieve it, more that they don't want to believe it. Because it opens up an enormous amount of questions that many people just don't want to ask - because they might not like where the answers take them. We can all sense the future, to one degree or another.

There will always be those that dismiss any truth presented to them as unbelievable - that which they cannot intellectually or emotionally confront and deal with. We live in a reality that has been shaped to encourage this shying away from anything uncomfortable, so there are lots of people that will choose dismissal over investigation. But, if we present it in the right way, in a way that hasn't been done before, the little voice inside the viewers mind may well recoil at what it's seen or heard, but it won't forget it.

This starciv phenomenon has been hidden in plain sight for a long time. How long, I am not entirely sure - my personal best guess at this moment is 600ish years. So to expose it as a truth - something that is irrefutable - may take time, because a vast story has been woven into the fabric of our societies to to keep it all hidden from us.

The starciv phenomenen gives me hope. It shows that a worldwide society has existed that could work together to make the world a beautiful place, working with nature - and guaranteeing the best future possibile for everyone. It is possible, because it has already existed.
The world hasn't always been at war - the starciv is the proof of that.

Find those dyads! :)

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Re: The key to spreading to the most ignorant

Post by stephen_bradley » Tue May 21, 2019 12:03 am


I am thankful for your reply and agree with it in spirit. For the sake of conversation, since I have you here, I want to respond to something you said and many in this community corroborate but which, in the spirit of my initial post, is not a smoking gun and should thus be de-emphasized. The community seems to assume that the ubiquitous presence of these highly practical defensive structures regardless of where you are on Earth is somehow evidence of past cooperation that extended as far as the starforts do! I would argue that there are two darker interpretations against which we have little evidence, if any.

First, starforts appear to be effective defensive structures. If the similarity of the forts across the world indicate an allegiance between the owners of the forts, then who are the forts meant to keep out? Seems like the forts may have been used by elites across the Earth to protect themselves from "the people."

Second, if the starforts are not defensive structures, all we know is that there are similar structures everywhere. This observation could be accounted for by a totalitarian, evil, one-world-state, a totalitarian, evil, one-world company, etc. Harmony, peace, and stability should breed creativity, not kill it.

I think I have shown here how the ubiquitous nature of the starforts could just as easily be interpreted negatively as positively. I understand why the starforts phenomenon spurs us to point out that "our society uses fear porn and the tactic of divide and conquer to make us easier to rule; and they mislead us to think that war is part of our nature so that we will continue to consent to fund wars and give up our liberties for a sense of security". But in reality, this important point stands alone, distinct from starforts. Starforts show the possibility of a world-wide, peaceful community X years ago, but they also show the possibility of a much darker past than has been acknowledged in the mainstream.

To me, the point here (and I'm relatively new here so just sharing my perspective as one of the people this community should be targeting) is that mainstream history is riddled with indisputable contradictions. If:
1) the starforts are X years old,
2) it takes 10X years for a starfort to gradually be covered by earth, and
3) many starforts are covered by earth,
then either:
1) the covered starforts weren't covered gradually,
2) the covered starforts are 10X, not X years old, or
3) it takes X, not 10X years for a starfort to gradually be covered by earth.

Mainstream history asserts 1) that starforts are X years old, 2) that it takes 10X years for a starfort to gradually be covered by earth, and 3) the covered starforts were covered gradually. Thus, mainstream history is wrong.

The fact of the matter is that we do not know if there was a single civilization to account for these starforts. It is what science calls a counterfactual claim--that is, since we cannot rewind time, disaggregate the hypothetical starciv, and run time again to see if they build the starforts anyway, we cannot determine whether the buildings are there because of united nature of the hypothetical starciv.

Also, let's recall that some in the archaeology/architecture/ancient history truther communities are pushing the idea of cyclical resets, perhaps naturally induced and perhaps originating from our unknown controllers. I withhold comment on the veracity of these claims. True or not, this is fear porn. Thus, I think we can reasonably expect that if this movement, as broad as it is, becomes large enough to be worth co-opting by nefarious elements, they would steer the community toward the cyclical reset/revelations narrative instead of the "high-minded, peaceful, one-world community" narrative. Then we would be back where we started. This is why I prefer to focus only on the "mainstream so-called sciences are riddled with internal inconsistencies that preclude their veracity" lens, as it cannot be co-opted. I'll explain.

If I make your argument, which I have rebutted at length above, a well-funded infiltrator could respond just as I have. Then he becomes more popular to you, and all of a sudden the movement is fear porn again. Failed movement. My argument is reliant on logic, not ambiguous interpretations of evidence and blanket claims that those who disagree with me are too brain-washed to see the truth. I accept the mainstream claims as true then show that they are mutually exclusive. Even somebody who would never agree that starforts outside of Europe are anything other than colonial has no choice but to agree with the logical steps I detailed above. Chomsky, while of course he is a gatekeeper, is the King of this strategy when it comes to waking American partisans from their two-party slumber.

I understand that blog/forum/database focused only on juxtaposing mainstream dates with sedimentation levels is highly focused, but guess what: our enemies are highly focused. I believe you see me point. Alas.

Thanks again for your response, and good luck with all (I'll be around though, and feel free to respond again!)!

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Re: The key to spreading to the most ignorant

Post by Fenton » Wed May 22, 2019 12:00 pm

I suppose it depends on your mindset at time of writing.

I'm not sure the term ignorant being applied to masses of people in a broad stroke is helpful. Ignorance rarely means 'ignorant of' - it more likely means that the individual who outwardly projects ignorance prefers not to think about the concept being presented. It is most probably at odds with the individual's worldview and their internalised belief system. This 'self-policing' of new ideas and possibilities is harnessed by the dominant control system to their benefit. Much of the work in controlling through ignorance is already in place because it has been self-imposed. But this does not mean that the seemingly ignorant are actually ignorant - they just haven't seen the benefit in believing.

I've been through the entire cycle of what I can only describe as realisation. And the question always remains - why? Why are we like we are as a condition? Since seeing the starciv for what it is, it has become clearer.

Is there a benefit in believing that the starciv was real? It's a dual-edged sword. Within the story of the starciv, there is enormous good to be found - and enormous bad. But we live in a binary reality and for all good, there is an equal and balancing bad. It's the way our reality works.

Let's suppose for a moment that the starciv was real. The evidence left behind suggests a worldwide community who lived a more simple life in many ways. They were master builders and planners. They covered the world in structures that served them, yet these structures retained an air of elegance and beauty that we can only marvel at. These structures were built to last the test of time. They connected these structures with waterways, interspersed with field systems - a super abundance of which suggests some purpose other than just growing crops. Yet they built defences, not in the form of 'forts', but in the form of truly colossal earthwork projects - but defences to defend against what? They were not fighting amongst themselves.

This is the point at which the concept of the starciv offers an alternative way of viewing reality - an alternative at once both wonderful and extremely frightening. We can't have one, without the other.

They knew what was coming. The world changes regularly and we are defenceless against it.

They understood that life is miraculous, fleeting and filled with not only hopes, but fears. They accepted that for humanity, nothing is eternal and that each day we awake to a new day - a day that we do not know what it will bring - and that each day is precious whilst being experienced. But they did not shy away from reality. The reality that our existance is perilous too - that we each face death every day as a fact of life. This balance was understood and always retained.

In their paradigm, the starciv made the conscious decision to benefit all. They created a world of beauty and harmony in which a sense of purpose was abundant. They created works of art, visually pleasing and comforting, not only in their structures, but also in the statues and monuments that adorned them. They kept their air pure and lived lives of inclusion and meaning. They selflessly devoted themselves to beauty, grace and elegance but without a sense of individual ownership. They knew that one day it would all end - but not by their own hand. They would experience each day knowing that what they did, what they strove to accomplish, was pure in it's intention - and that this was enough.

This sounds unbelievable, naive even, because we live in an opposing paradigm. We live in the next paradigm. And in this paradigm, the dominant power structure is self. We are afraid of, repulsed, by death. Even though it is the only guaranteed thing in life. Is it better that we don't face reality and carry on as we are - safe in the forbidden knowledge that a terrible secret, one few of us would dare - or want to - face, is hidden from us? Is that why we are the way we are? That some part deep inside each of us knows, but shies away from it? That we are always conflicted? Is conflict the natural expression of the denial that each of us subconsciously hides and refuses to acknowledge, or even consider?

The paradigm that we currently inhabit (a paradigm developed since the last change) suits those that fervently believe 'grab what you can while you can, because it's all going to shit at some point, anyway' This is the dominant mentality - selfish - imposed upon us by those with so little care for those but their own. Until we acknowledge to ourselves that things may be very different to that which we are taught, willingly, to believe, there is little chance of meaningful change in our societies.

The example set by the StarCiv offers an alternative view of how things could be in our own reality. A fundamentally different view. Simultaneously full of wonder - and of fear - just like our own, but with honesty, integrity and selflessness at its core. And an acceptance of the reality that life is precarious, but that the precariousness does not mean we cannot experience a wonderful lifetime.

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Re: The key to spreading to the most ignorant

Post by Starman » Thu May 23, 2019 7:01 am

Thanks Fenton for that eloquent and deep synopsis. I feel the same way, that the starciv phenomenon can be held up as an example of a rich and benevolent cultural paradigm that once existed on this earth. And in saying that, such a reality could exist once again in the future.

It seems that it existed not so long ago and its demise has been hidden from us in order that we may think such a dream is unobtainable. Nevertheless I feel it in my bones as you do. There is still enough physical evidence to see the outline of its form.

Sad that it appears easier to slide into dystopia as compared to rising up out of it and reclaiming a lost ethos. It seems that things need to crash and burn in order to rid the earth of the luciferian way of life. When such a depraved world gets established, the conniving dark power manifests an iron grip on humanity and won't let go. The only way to get free is to remove oneself and go on a solo journey, or in a worst case scenario a catastrophic reset ensues for all earth peoples in order to wipe the slate clean and start over.

I think the old starciv people, call them Tartarian, or post-Atlantean, did intuitively follow the path of the creator, whoever/whatever that is. They clearly felt the joy of co-creation and did things to honor this connection. Who wouldn't want to be inventive in a big way and lead a marvelous life in this 3D earth life handed to them.

A shame that we now live in an era where all that is a hazy memory and fading rapidly. The apocalypse already happened. I try to find solace in having recaptured some of that memory in my lifetime, so all is not lost. I just wish more people could intuit that as well, but most everybody I know is stuck in the matrix and such insights are not available to them.
You don't need to be enlightened, you just need to be a little larger than your disappointments

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Re: The key to spreading to the most ignorant

Post by Jww427 » Thu Aug 08, 2019 6:55 pm

Everyone should trust their common "Horse Sense" because its very real.
Empty starforts with no gun emplacements or buildings are to be viewed with keen eyesight. What, not good enough for combat? Horseshit.
The ancient world is coming alive through all of us "Seekers" who won't put up with the status quo programming and history education.
25 years from now Im confident at least 30% of the world will be awake. Thats all we need for massive change!
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Re: The key to spreading to the most ignorant

Post by Jww427 » Thu Aug 22, 2019 5:18 pm

My thoughts...

I believe its quite fruitless and perhaps the wrong thing to do by "Red-Pilling" people who are not awake yet.
Ive tried it, we all have. Nope. Doesn't work!

Jordan Sather and other "Truthers" out there are doing a great job, but there's no making people wake up
by forcibly showing them confusing images, talking points, or photos / videos because their reality simply doesn't not jibe with those of us who have fully awakened. The unawakened have NO reference point. Their ten-meter thick hard wood floor of reality would shatter to splinters. Their heads would pop like popcorn.

Half-Awake people flock to some of us, Jon Levi, Martin Liedke, Michelle Gibson, Flat Earth Brit Sub, and Newearth, etc. because they've been to Paris, the Louvre, maybe have seen St. Petersburg, the star forts, and other strange & simply magnificent constructions and they want better answers. History and its false narrative has made them super curious for some unknown reason:

Half-awake person: "WOW! They built a massive Beaux-Arts neoclassical cathedral-like post office with a gold inlay astrological clock tower inside the polygonal sacred geometry walls of the old Spanish star fort just for a small town in Wales with a population of 90 people? What, uhhh, gives here?"
Then they get suspicious, then pissed off, their ears blowing steam like a train's whistle.

I reply with a smile: "Wakey-wakey, eggs and bakey!"

"That's not funny! But WHY would historians and governments lie to us?"

This is the point when I nearly pass out and weep uncontrollably. "I dunno. Think for yourself and trust your own gut feelings, sob..."

"THAT'S your pithy and educated advice? You've been researching useless junk on the internet for far too long!"

The after-disclosure damage control will have to be done someday by people like us who have had the luxury and privilege of waking up slow and steady.
We've never SEEN the box let alone lived in one!
It took me 40 years in various stages to wake fully. Im 58.
It aint pretty. Our militaristic world, society, history, and reality sucks.
People will wake up at the rate they have chosen long before they were born, when they were just a soul, I believe.

The pyramid below at the Louvre has small pyramid star points perhaps. (?) Any ideas?
Louvre pyramid.jpeg
Louvre pyramid.jpeg (640.49 KiB) Viewed 16431 times
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Re: The key to spreading to the most ignorant

Post by Jww427 » Thu Aug 22, 2019 5:23 pm

And always Celtic and Templar crosses on the outdoor spaces too too...
louvre overhead.jpeg
louvre overhead.jpeg (1.45 MiB) Viewed 16430 times
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Re: The key to spreading to the most ignorant

Post by Fenton » Fri Aug 23, 2019 6:56 pm

JWW said:
I believe its quite fruitless and perhaps the wrong thing to do by "Red-Pilling" people who are not awake yet.
Ive tried it, we all have. Nope. Doesn't work!

It's a part of "The Things That No One Talks About". It's a human condition that is exploited by those that hold power, who will do anything to keep hold of it - they prey on the human frailties that make us what we are.
I've shown about six people the proof - that there was a civilsation here recently - and each and every one of them has gone 'wow' - and then, never, ever mentioned it again. I showed my brother about six months ago - and he has avoided talking about it - conspicuously - since. Ditto for the other five.

We are here - in this existance - to experience and learn. That which we learn is transferred to our next life - it is a learning curve that is balanced by good and bad, happy and sad, right and wrong.

You may take comfort in the fact that you are privy to a great truth. That so few others are intreagued by it, makes it all the more special that you have been blesssed with its knowledge. A truth that, on your deathbed, when all things are weighed and balanced, will set you on a path, in the next life, towards even greater understanding. That others are unwilling to face a truth is not your fault, or even your purpose to persaude them as to its validity.

It's an exciting time to be alive, eh? ;)

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