New York City is the most prominent and arguably the most historic city In the US. It has many signs of it being a hedgehog, with multiple satellites and star forts.
This map here: ... 1660.0.jpg shows a 4 star at the bottom and a wall around the city itself making a hedgehog.
Another 4 star (may be considered a 5 star) called "Fort Jay is located on governors island: ... aerial.jpg along with what I think is a satellite called Castle Williams. Another conjoining satellite called castle Clinton is across the river in battery park.
The statue of liberty's base is the remnants of what I think is a twelve star known as fort wood. why the statue of liberty was built on a star remain I don't know but it seems suspicious
there are also multiple supposedly civil war forts scattered through nyc, such as fort Schuyler, fort Wadsworth, fort Totten, and fort hamilton which where all supposedly built all at about the same time which seems suspicious.
This revolutionary war era map shows two 4 stars and other star remains, with fort Washington at the tip of manhattan and fort lee in present-day New Jersey ... uthier.jpg
How all this combines into a hedgehog I'm not sure but advice would be appreciated! also I'm sure there are many other forts on long island and nearby (such as west point) but I was focusing on NYC itself
New York City, USA
Re: New York City, USA
here are images if some of the forts
Castle Clinton:
Castle Williams:
Castle Clinton:

Castle Williams:

- Attachments
- fort schuyler showing its 2 large detached bastions
- Screen Shot 2020-07-15 at 11.41.08 AM.png (6.28 MiB) Viewed 23520 times
- remains of fort totten, which was called unfinished but is probably a star civilization ruin
- Screen Shot 2020-07-15 at 11.31.36 AM.png (5.07 MiB) Viewed 23521 times
- Remains of fort hamilton
- Screen Shot 2020-07-15 at 11.33.53 AM.png (1.1 MiB) Viewed 23521 times
- Fort wadsworth and battery weed
- Screen Shot 2020-07-15 at 11.34.55 AM.png (2.69 MiB) Viewed 23521 times