Toulon, France

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Toulon, France

Post by Fenton » Sat Apr 06, 2019 3:42 pm

It certainly looks like Toulon was a major Starhub or Starcity. Many smaller structures surround the main 'citadel'.

Quite a few changes in Toulon since the 1940's, with some StarCiv structures being removed, but still plenty of StarCiv presence there - even today.

Here's a pic from 1944 showing the area around 43°07'20.59" N 5°54'21.15" E. (This is highlighted as a red outline on Colm's KMZ). You can see that little remains but an outline today, although there was substantially more back then.

toulon 1.jpg
toulon 1.jpg (523.57 KiB) Viewed 9867 times


43.119867, 5.953492a.jpg
43.119867, 5.953492a.jpg (457.29 KiB) Viewed 9867 times

Above: the 4-point at the bottom of the pic is still there today - 43°06'38.11" N 5°56'42.98" E - here's a closer look:

toulon 2.jpg
toulon 2.jpg (533.56 KiB) Viewed 9867 times

Note that it has a 'floating point' structure a slight distance from it. This is quite unusual, as far as we can tell.

The smaller 4-point also highlighted - 43°07'26.46" N 5°56'43.47" E - is gone. In it's place are some hi-rise tower blocks, possibly built in this location because the foundations of the removed 4-point are so good.

And here's a closer look at the 4-point now demolished:

43.119867, 5.953492 2.jpg
43.119867, 5.953492 2.jpg (580.53 KiB) Viewed 9867 times

Below: though still present today, this pic of the outer perimeter of the Starhub - 43°07'45.11" N 5°56'00.46" E - shows in greater detail what was still there in 1944:

43.122030, 5.935009 2.jpg
43.122030, 5.935009 2.jpg (521.79 KiB) Viewed 9867 times

When looking at the overall shape and area that the hub covered (large), it may have been the area in which a 5-point previously existed, creating a hedgehog. Looks like it might have fitted nicely in there.


The pic below shows an area of the port system at Toulon. There is clearly a StarCiv structure - 43°07'21.13" N 5°55'18.49" E - still present in 1944, integrated into the system. This gives rise to the possibility that many, if not most of our port systems worldwide were inherited from the StarCicv - and that we later repaired and repurposed them to suit our requirements. Port systems wordwide have striking similarities.

43.369373, 5.348736.jpg
43.369373, 5.348736.jpg (508.31 KiB) Viewed 9867 times


In this area - 43°07'34.80" N 5°54'23.05" E - there used to be a field system (of course!):

toulon3.jpg (487.84 KiB) Viewed 9867 times


Finally, a pic from 1944 of the tiny Starcastle situated on a hill to the west of the city - 43°06'10.05" N 5°50'22.67" E - it's still there.

43.097535, 5.835669.jpg
43.097535, 5.835669.jpg (507.95 KiB) Viewed 9867 times

Check out Colm's KMZ - plenty going on in and around this area!

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