It certainly looks like Toulon was a major Starhub or Starcity. Many smaller structures surround the main 'citadel'.
Quite a few changes in Toulon since the 1940's, with some StarCiv structures being removed, but still plenty of StarCiv presence there - even today.
Here's a pic from 1944 showing the area around 43°07'20.59" N 5°54'21.15" E. (This is highlighted as a red outline on Colm's KMZ). You can see that little remains but an outline today, although there was substantially more back then.
Above: the 4-point at the bottom of the pic is still there today - 43°06'38.11" N 5°56'42.98" E - here's a closer look:
Note that it has a 'floating point' structure a slight distance from it. This is quite unusual, as far as we can tell.
The smaller 4-point also highlighted - 43°07'26.46" N 5°56'43.47" E - is gone. In it's place are some hi-rise tower blocks, possibly built in this location because the foundations of the removed 4-point are so good.
And here's a closer look at the 4-point now demolished:
Below: though still present today, this pic of the outer perimeter of the Starhub - 43°07'45.11" N 5°56'00.46" E - shows in greater detail what was still there in 1944:
When looking at the overall shape and area that the hub covered (large), it may have been the area in which a 5-point previously existed, creating a hedgehog. Looks like it might have fitted nicely in there.
The pic below shows an area of the port system at Toulon. There is clearly a StarCiv structure - 43°07'21.13" N 5°55'18.49" E - still present in 1944, integrated into the system. This gives rise to the possibility that many, if not most of our port systems worldwide were inherited from the StarCicv - and that we later repaired and repurposed them to suit our requirements. Port systems wordwide have striking similarities.
In this area - 43°07'34.80" N 5°54'23.05" E - there used to be a field system (of course!):
Finally, a pic from 1944 of the tiny Starcastle situated on a hill to the west of the city - 43°06'10.05" N 5°50'22.67" E - it's still there.
Check out Colm's KMZ - plenty going on in and around this area!
Toulon, France
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