Belgrade, Serbia

Pick a city or area, check for starfort structures, canals and field systems, etc.
Please add any other info you find!
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Belgrade, Serbia

Post by Fenton » Wed Apr 17, 2019 11:59 am

A few bits to look at.

gebelgrade.jpg (781.13 KiB) Viewed 7608 times

There is the starfort - 44°49'23.58" N 20°27'01.33" E - which appears to be missing one half (at least) of it's original structure.

44.826338, 20.451841 2.jpg
44.826338, 20.451841 2.jpg (462.72 KiB) Viewed 7608 times

The island, highlighted in the first pic above, looked like this back in 1944 - 44°50'15.97" N 20°25'37.53" E

44.835493, 20.427966 fields2.jpg
44.835493, 20.427966 fields2.jpg (399.51 KiB) Viewed 7608 times

There are remnants visible of a field system (probably not so much an 'island' at some point in time).


Below is the most probable layout of the original canal system:

gebelgradecanal.jpg (797.18 KiB) Viewed 7608 times

Colm had a fantastic flash of insight recently - he theorises that when the floods came (a major one, at least), the canal system was overwhelmed by the vast flow of water, but still managed to channel some of that water along the original path of the sub canal, which then smashed into the starfort as it came round the bend and encountered the starfort structure. See illustration below.

gebelgradecanalwaterflow.jpg (776.45 KiB) Viewed 7608 times

This could explain why half of the starfort is missing (in this case, at least). It was smashed and washed away by an enormous flow of water.


Back in 1944, on the opposite south-west side of the bank to the remains of the starfort, there appears to have been one of Mikes (13thmonkey) traingular sound wave devices. You can also see that the eastern side of island mentioned above was also almost totally submerged.

44.820488, 20.440264 sound.jpg
44.820488, 20.440264 sound.jpg (251.45 KiB) Viewed 7608 times

A closer look:

44.820488, 20.440264 2.jpg
44.820488, 20.440264 2.jpg (344.33 KiB) Viewed 7608 times


Close by, at 44°45'49.26" N 20°39'23.31" E - there is field system, some perfectly intact triangulated canal system and translucent soil. Plenty of fields and soil in this area, in fact.

gefields,canals.jpg (607.24 KiB) Viewed 7608 times

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