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Calaise, France

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 3:49 pm
by Fenton
Calaise in France still has much evidence, even today, of starfort (StarCiv) presence.

However, have parts of the starfort phenomenon been lost, destroyed or bulit upon within the last 75 years, since world war two?

Yes. They have.
50.945815, 1.810244 (2).jpg
50.945815, 1.810244 (2).jpg (551.56 KiB) Viewed 7934 times

GE co-ords: 50°56'44.11" N 1°49'00.03" E
Taken in 1944.

Above: the 'small crown' structure directly above the lovely 4-point has gone. (There appear to be several types of 'crown' structure used around Europe, so I'll call this the 'small' type for the time being).

50.947663, 1.812465.jpg
50.947663, 1.812465.jpg (439.4 KiB) Viewed 7934 times

As can be seen above, there was once a fairly major canal leading to the 4-point. There is also (what may have been) a small, square auxilliary structure closeby.


Known today as 'The Citadel of Calaise' - the actual citadel nature of Calaise has changed quite a bit since the 1940's.
Below are two pics of the Eastern side of Calaise, showing it's 'citadel' nature more clearly than today.

50.942676, 1.882015.jpg
50.942676, 1.882015.jpg (223.89 KiB) Viewed 7934 times
50.959965, 1.868871.jpg
50.959965, 1.868871.jpg (254.86 KiB) Viewed 7934 times

GE co-ords: 50°56'57.11" N 1°52'40.53" E
Taken in 1944

But the western side of the Calaise 'citadel' city has changed more dramatically:

50.953143, 1.832706.jpg
50.953143, 1.832706.jpg (293.48 KiB) Viewed 7934 times

GE co-ords: 50°57'13.61" N 1°50'03.88" E
Taken in 1944.

Here's a closer view of part of the western side:

50.953143, 1.832706 (2).jpg
50.953143, 1.832706 (2).jpg (491.68 KiB) Viewed 7934 times

and from another angle:

50.955738, 1.828086.jpg
50.955738, 1.828086.jpg (483.57 KiB) Viewed 7934 times

Here's another pic of the Western side of the citadel at Calaise (now mostly demolished - taken in 1940):

50.945157, 1.829345 1940.jpg
50.945157, 1.829345 1940.jpg (418.57 KiB) Viewed 7928 times

Notice the very effective arrow-head outlet channel from the canal system into the sea.

Looks like it may have been a major 'citadel,' eh?

Re: Calaise, France

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 11:09 pm
by Jww427
I think the pentagon-shaped lake is significant.
Perhaps the pentagon is a very powerful sacred geometric shape?
I think so.