What is starforts.org?

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What is starforts.org?

Post by Fenton » Thu Mar 21, 2019 1:56 pm


Hello and welcome to starforts.org.

This forum and it's accompanying web site - www.starforts.org - has been created to become the definitive point of reference for all starfort research, data and comment. The main investigation and research will take place here on the forum, with the definitive conclusions of that research and investigation being published on the official web site, as and when finished.


The starfort phenomenon, as described by mainstream historians, just doesn't make sense any more - in the light of new evidence.

New evidence, you ask?

Maybe it's the link between starforts and canals? Or the link between those canals and field systems? Or the link between those field systems and starfort auxillary structures? Or the link between major starfort hubs and their surrounding satellite structures? Or the link between half-submerged starforts and the cataclysm that buried them? Or what happened in Russia? Or what happened in Africa? Or what happened to the world?

There is a lot more evidence to look at.

If there's a starfort, there's usually a canal. If there's a canal, there's field systems. If there's field systems, there are auxilliary structures to support that system. Once you know what to look for, you may see it everywhere.

We need your thoughts. If you like starforts, please get involved.

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Re: What is starforts.org?

Post by Starman » Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:55 pm

As I mentioned on your YT channel, a future development for this web site might be the hosting of a database for each starfort. It might be unnecessarily ambitious, but would be great to have an interactive way to post photos or reflections on the web site directly, for each starfort. Perhaps you need an administrator to perform such functions, but thought I'd mention the general idea.
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