Satellite and Auxilliary Structures - an overview

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Satellite and Auxilliary Structures - an overview

Post by Fenton » Wed Mar 06, 2019 2:23 pm

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Re: Satellite and Auxilliary Structures

Post by Fenton » Mon Mar 25, 2019 10:51 am

Satellite structures appear to ring main StarCiv hubs or centres of importance.

Auxilliary structures appear to be integrated (on the whole) into the canal and field systems.

We are unsure of the exact purpose of either satellite or auxilliary structures at this moment - they had a variety of designs, shapes and possible uses. Working on it!

Here's a closeup pic from 1944 of a satellite that is part of a ring around Paris - very interesting! (GE co-ordinates 48.726644, 2.455198)

48.726644, 2.455198 2.jpg
48.726644, 2.455198 2.jpg (429.37 KiB) Viewed 22358 times

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Re: Satellite and Auxilliary Structures

Post by Fishbone Dude » Sun Mar 31, 2019 4:08 pm

Hi folks
I live in Gosport UK and am literally surrounded by Star Forts and Satellites bigtime!!! Like,so many you wouldn't believe!!!
Most of them are considered as part of something called The Palmerston Line,or Palmerston's Follies but they are not.
This place holds a huge key to unlocking the answers here in the UK I am certain.
Unfortunately, I don't have any answers... just more questions that I am desperate to get to the bottom of...I hope this website can help.
If anyone wants any leg work done in this area then I am your man

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Re: Satellite and Auxilliary Structures

Post by Fenton » Sun Mar 31, 2019 10:14 pm

Hey Fishbone - sounds very interesting - why not do a case study of your area?

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Re: Satellite and Auxilliary Structures

Post by Fishbone Dude » Tue Apr 02, 2019 8:33 pm

Hey Fenton... I am all over it. Just taken the plunge and become a youtube creator. I have 2 vids so far with many more plans in the pipeline.
My channel is at: ... iwxHYeGmaw
Thanks Fenton!!!

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Re: Satellite and Auxilliary Structures

Post by Starman » Tue Apr 02, 2019 10:19 pm

Just subscribed to your YT channel! I am curious how these structures can be viewed from the ground since they are so big. Google Earth certainly gives a sexy look from above, but what's it like being a tourist and checking it out by walking around? I imagine most starforts are difficult to take in visually. Can still photos capture inspired feelings of the place? It seems videos are the better way to go. Kudos for your efforts, Dude, will be checking out your contribution.
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Re: Satellite and Auxilliary Structures

Post by Starman » Wed Apr 03, 2019 6:36 am

I had an insight today about some of these satellite, auxiliary, hedgehog type forms we see outside of the main starfort. An obvious thought is that they form some kind of energy or communication grid, but I had more of the thought that this could be a biological organism. Some of these forms appear as polyps to me, off of the main body. Perhaps WOW lines connected some of them, like tentacles back to the central star fort, sort of like the form of a jellyfish. Was this Gaia, a biological, geo-engineered earth and water co-creation with nature that sustained a benevolent human society? How long ago was this running at optimal speed?

And then sadly - how could such a stable, harmonious and wonderful worldwide thing fall asunder? It must have been a giant catastrophe. Was it engineered by the evil ones, or did the cosmos burp and sorry, your number just came up?

Did human warfare play a part in the demise or was it wholly an impartial celestial unzipping?

We have amnesia due to the tragedy, and surviving psychopaths among us have stepped in and created a new Orwellian paradigm of divide and rule. We have forgotten so much, and our forgetting is VERY RECENT! This did not happen a long, long time ago. I believe we can discover what happened because we are not talking about ancient history!
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Re: Satellite and Auxilliary Structures

Post by Fenton » Wed Apr 03, 2019 12:42 pm

Hey Starman, could I suggest that you write up a tentative theory and publish it on the 'connecting the dots...' forum?

Contrary to what the system would have us believe, 'overthinking' something is not foolish, it is a very good thing. Considering all options gives the greatest scope for a reasoned conclusion. I'm convinced that the more ideas people have floating around in their heads, the greater their peace of mind, because they are giving themselves options. Especially true for those that are keenly interested in the subject they are thinking about.

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Re: Satellite and Auxilliary Structures - an overview

Post by Colm » Wed May 29, 2019 12:05 am

Hi Fishbone, I just subscribed to your channel and look forward to seeing your content.

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