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Thanks, Colm

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:37 pm
by Fenton
I'd like to thank Colm most sincerely for all the work he has put into compiling and maintaining his 'THE CATALOGUE.kmz'

And his kindhearted willingness to share it with anyone who is interested in starforts. I was genuinely surprised when I emailed him a couple of months ago (as a total stranger), asking if he had any kind of file that showed starfort locations and he immediately emailed me back 'THE CATALOGUE'. All that hard work and a total openess to share it with anyone who is interested. A true gentleman.

Cheers, mate.

Re: Thanks, Colm

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 8:19 pm
by 13thMonkey (Mike)
Similarly, i've build upon his works and would be nowhere without it.